Your customers spend most of their day online, so why not advertise where they are? is the perfect bridge to unite your print marketing to your digital marketing. Our website is the leading digital platform for your company to increase brand awareness, drive new leads and maximize your marketing ROI.
Advantages of Website Advertising with Athletic Business:
Advantages of Website Advertising with Athletic Business:
- 24/7 visibility
- Most digital traffic in our industry
- Trackable and targeted
Use HTML5 Validator to check for errors in your code when submitting files. If the ad works in HTML5 Validator and is 150 KB or less, it should be accepted for use in Google Ad Manager.
HTML5 guidelines for Ad Manager
Limitations of HTML5 creatives in Ad Manager
HTML5 guidelines for Ad Manager
Limitations of HTML5 creatives in Ad Manager
Athletic Business does not allow third party ad hosting. We do allow tracking links, but we have to host the creatives on our end.